There are ants literally everywhere, but once winter sets in these tiny pests seem to disappear completely until spring comes back around.

There are ants literally everywhere, but once winter sets in these tiny pests seem to disappear completely until spring comes back around.
Treatment options they use for getting rid of a termite infestation. Two of these are Sentricon and Termidor.
Mice are dirty, destructive, and plain unsightly, and you should always keep a few tricks up your sleeve for keeping them away.
You may believe that keeping a clean home is the best way to keep unwanted pests out. While this is true for certain pests, it is not true for all. Bed bugs are not interested in the cleanliness or dirtiness of your home. They are simply looking for a host to feed off of. Wherever… Read more »
If you enjoy spending time outdoors, then you know the dangers that ticks pose to us and our pets. This means spraying yourself with bug repellent—preferably those that contain DEET—and giving your pets flea and tick medicine or a flea and tick collar. It also means wearing long-sleeved clothing and checking yourself thoroughly for ticks… Read more »
Elementary school teaches us the benefits of bees, but when does the danger outweigh the benefits? Can we take care of a bee problem on our own? Keep reading to learn when you need professional help to get rid of bees. Bumblebees These bees have round, fuzzy bodies and are bigger than honeybees. They live… Read more »
Cockroaches in your living space are not pleasant sight. If your dwelling is an apartment, there’s a chance you’ve seen them in the hallway, near the dumpster or worse yet, across your kitchen floor. So, how can you keep roaches from descending on your apartment? Here are a few tips to consider. Get Your Apartment… Read more »
As spring is underway, we can look forward to enjoying the outdoors. Picnics, barbequing, gardening and taking walks are just some of the things to enjoy as the weather heats up. Unfortunately, the beginning of spring also means the end of hibernation for pests. Ants are just one of the pests that will be waking… Read more »